Ask for Feedback, then Listen to It

This is an excerpt from my book “Save Your Drama For Your Mama”. I’ve made some of my best discoveries about myself because of information supplied by someone else. The people in your life notice things about you that you either ignore or that you are oblivious to. Their input can hel
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Creating a Powerful Acknowledgement

The biggest mistake a leader can make is taking too much credit. In fact, a good leader makes sure others receive credit. The people who most quickly gain trust, loyalty, excitement and energy in an organization are those who pass the credit to the people who have actually done the wo
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Coach – Developing Leaders

There are a number of ways leaders can develop others. Fundamentally, if someone is going to choose to be a leader, they should think about how they are going to create other leaders. Leaders should be committed to professional growth and should regularly engage in activities that pro
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Challenge to Excel

The Challenge to Excel continues to be one of the best employee development tools available. “Challenge to Excel” is a project or task given to employees that is beyond their current knowledge or skills level in order to “stretch” employees developmentally. The stretch assignment chal
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Asking the Right Questions

If you want to become a great leader and gain the capacity to connect with your team at a deep level you need to listen in ways that leave the other person feeling fully understood. The next sustainable competitive edge for individuals and for organizations lies in the area of human c
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