Reading Others

If you were to ask, “How can I recognize the trait characteristics of an individual and do it quickly?” The easiest way to figure out someone’s style is to send them a NocNocK™ request through the app. This way you can easily see what someone’s characterological profile is. However, i
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Blind Spot Tool

Think You Know Yourself? Think Again: Guaranteed Blind Spot Exposure

Many leaders have shortcomings they don’t know about, and these can diminish their effectiveness and even derail their careers. Large, international studies have foundthat executives rate themselves considerably more effective as leaders than do their co-workers. For many, this gap in
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Training’s Dirty Little Secrets

There are a number of secrets that most training departments would like to keep hidden because the solution to fix them is too hard to implement. Ask almost any Learning & Development professional or training vendor what their biggest strategic challenge is, and they’ll say someth
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